Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Leadership lessons from the poker table

Poker, that little has become game which took in the 1800, a global phenomenon. Map room house games, the world series of poker on the Internet people are beaten with this game and like most games poker parallels life. We can learn a lot of poker again.

Poker is a game of cards hands, bluffs and strategic bets on the surface.Poker is a complicated dance of the risk but beneath the surface, resource management and Psychologie.Es is a great opportunity to improve your ability to navigate the difficult world of leadership.

Know the table and know your hand:

You can't win if you don't know the rules. Your convert hand in the best possible payout within these rules is the only way to win.The hierarchy of hands, wildcards, affect the number of players, betting, order and map exchange all, your game and your decision that hold ' em or folding ' em.In of one hand can be worthless as a Deuce. In the other hand might be one a Deuce wild card making the crucial piece three of a kind can provide. In short, the rules define how you manage your assets.

As a leader have these same insight into your daily business to practice at the card table, you must define the wurde.Sie what defines success and how resources can achieve your goals. If you are not the resources to compete effectively have, out. If you decide to compete, you must continually evaluate and reassess of your operating environment and how your resources enable to achieve your goals in the area.

Quotas influence decisions:

In poker, decisions are seemingly simple - review bet, call or Falten.hinter takes place, however a complicated analysis each of these choices. As a player must decide whether the risks associated with a decision a sufficient payment balance the assumed risk.This is called pot odds and there is a fundamental principle of the poker strategy.Basically, when faced with a decision are, evaluate hand hold, the ability to a future hand and the likelihood that your opponents are or have a better a better hand to machen.Wenn quotas are favourable, or if there is a payoff big reward enough to a risky move, remain Sie.Wenn this is not the case, you out.

Good leaders need to understand and effective risk management successfully embrace. Rarely, if ever, a decision will be free of risk and certain decisions have significant risk. It is those leaders that quickly determine the return can-on-investment for a decision or commitment of resources therefore succeed.This insight allows you to choose to act or not to act courage the belief and confidence in their decisions.

Respect luck:

It is a poker term the as the bad beat. In these situations a player the chances of fallen, winning a hand, and the card you need pulls your opponents, against the odds.I can say from experience that this is no fun.I can also say that this is a fact of Poker. Many times, no matter how well you are positioned, there are several cards in the deck, which can ruin your day and to reduce chip Stapel.Die best player's hand and the urge to get emotional behind you and move with grace, dignity and Spiel.Kurz continued disciplined said let effect play not bad luck future.

As a leader have real life bad beats.You will get everything right. Will identify opportunity you will formulate a plan, you request and correct ways to purchase and you will these cases ausgefuhrt.In good will but fail.It happens to everyone, and it will happen.When it happens, move on, teachings and continue to run.Keep your morals and that of your team by the failure behind you.

To play the man:

Poker is a game of cards, but the truly exceptional players engage the enemy.Sharpen your skills of perception and psychology behavioral trends as a window to see your opponents hands.Everyone told or small features, the telescope-your moves or a lot of the personality type of the opponent, the strength of their hand and possible response to your movements say you can in addition the cards in their Hand.Wetten pattern.Identify and use this information to minimize risk and make better decisions.

To lead must understand people and respond to your needs, desires, fears, desires and behavior.Unfortunately be most of the time, your team members not necessarily open to these aspects which could be honest weitergeben.Um your psyche not even these things about yourself kennen.Daher must to observing you work the behavior of those that analyze, how this should affect your behavior and change your style in the most effective with you to work.

Short stacked not out failed, but:

In poker, if you short stacked, have less chips, your Gegner.Dies is an obvious disadvantage, but a good player knows that things change rapidly with skill and luck can in fact, it is a poker tell that State "to win, all you need is a chip and a Chair."Players in this situation to play more conservatively somewhat choose play hands more carefully and opponents who have a chance to bully you out of your hands often said to engagieren.Kurz make any number of chips.

Leadership is no different and really talented leaders considered limitations of resource issues and no insurmountable Hindernisse.Sie rate, how do these restrictions on your business and its decision making the full use their limited resources to change.

Douglas is a co-founder and Vice President of LEADINGSCHOOL LLC ([http://www.leadingschool.com]).Er is the 1993 graduated and 2001 at Loyola University Chicago.Er has included successfully served in a variety of leadership positions on a wide range of organizations, industries and environments, the army Tellabs and Citigroup.])

Poker lesson - learn the poker game

Although it is that you play more, but of course you will learn more in the game of Poker but what is also important that how much you do time send the fact the investigation about the game away from the table. Very few books in depth and practical knowledge of Poker and the most the Harrington is on hold ' em series. Many of the other two plus two publishing books have quiz at the end to help you test your knowledge but you prove of little help since the contents of the books are not armed with knowledge of these problems.

Forever competently at poker, we must realize that one thing and that means learning takes time and plan accordingly.Studying is an ongoing process and lernen.Die is error, in this game we make money, makes us more quickly that person learns to less he would be the number of errors that make and less would lose his loss in terms of money.

You must remember that the opponents have access, is the kind of books we have, therefore, who would learn and apply these concepts stay ahead of the rest.
You should also recognize that the study is a never-ending process. My opponent have read the books I've read. Sometimes it is even possible to localize the book including the page number where you've picked the top for me.

I spend at least one third of my poker studies.Click for every two hours, which I at the table time to spend, I spend at least an hour study about the game, and this formula has helped to get to the place where I am today.It depends on you, as you could wish out work to finish a book before you go to the tables to or want to both - read and play at the table at the same time address.

There is a risk of about study, angeschlossen.Es can happen so that too much of theoretical knowledge with proper practical knowledge is coupled.It is better to freely search for information, rather than a feeling in your mind that study, study on behalf of want to instead it will read too much a book continuously, take a break and play a game of Poker.Es depends how you plan to study arbeiten.Nur in case that set very busy schedule have and have not much time to Poker to play, you don't play goals which makes with no time for study.

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Bankroll management in poker

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Introduction to Money Management

It never fails. Inevitably, the first day of my lifeskills class on Money Management at Brookdale Community College somebody will ask me - What is Money Management? Instead of asking them why they signed up for a course about something unknown to them, I usually answer the question this way. In the broadest possible sense, money management is setting income against outflow and creating a budget. In some way we all deal with money. Some comes in (income) and some gets spent (outflow) and how we deal with it is money management.

So why is dealing with something as seemingly simple as this, hard enough many people who think they need it don't even know what it is, and most people just cannot do it? The key word in that question is people. In a factory, if Robot A costs you $500 a day to operate and makes enough poker chips each day for you to sell for $450, then Robot A is losing you $50 a day and once you realize this, Robot A is history. In life, if your friend, Smilin Bob borrows $50 a day from you and never pays you back, well that's a whole different story. First you tell yourself that one day he will pay you back. Next you remember that he is the guy who turned you on to Enzyte and natural male enhancement. For one reason or another people are very good at ignoring the truth when it suits them.

As an example, how many of us feel that we are good drivers? I raised my hand, did you? Well, if we are all good drivers then please explain to me just who are the idiots we all yell at in those other cars when they cut us off going 90 in a 45 zone while doing their makeup in the mirror and talking on their cell phones?

The truth is that we all delude ourselves. The golfer who puts down a 4 on his scorecard because the one that went into the water "didn't count". The dieter who eats the off limits brownie because she "was good all day". The poker player who spends $500 on rebuys in a $50 tourney, squeaks into the money to win $200 and tells his friends only that he won $200. Try, for one minute to think of a time when you stretched the truth because it made you feel good. Way too easy, wasn't it?

Now don't get all mad at me. I'm not trying to tell you that making yourself feel good is a bad thing. Heck, I'm sitting here eating a cheesesteak and drinking a beer while I'm writing this, even though the doctor tells me I need to lose weight. What I am trying to tell you is this. If you want to be a long term winner as a poker player, you have to start by at least being honest with yourself. Lie to your friends, lie to your wife, lie to the dog if it makes you feel better, but be honest with yourself.

Let's start with some honest record keeping - not the kind where a $500 buy-in and a $200 cash = a $200 win. For the purpose of keeping honest records, only the bottom line matters. Just take the amount you took out of a poker session and subtract the amount you put into that same poker session to get your bottom line for that session. So a $200 cash minus a $500 buy-in = a $300 loss for that session. Now do this separately for every poker session you play from now on and keep all your bottom lines either on paper or in a spreadsheet. Either weekly or monthly take a minute to get a running total.

One thing you should keep in mind as you do this is that this is not an indictment of your poker playing ability, this is only keeping track of your money. Just as 1, 50, or even 100 winning sessions does not make you a long term winner, the same number of losing sessions does not make you a long term loser. In math, the "long term" is a much bigger number than you can imagine. Poker skills are about making the correct decisions based on all your available information every time you act. Money management is about keeping track of your money.

We are now up to defining money management specifically for a poker player. To put this in layman's terms, the ups and downs that are a part of poker for everyone, NO MATTER HOW GOOD THEY ARE, force us to follow certain guidelines so we don't go broke easily. Even if you follow these guidelines to the letter it is still possible to go broke, but you will have much less chance of it. So money management for a poker player is being able to follow a set of guidelines when deciding how much money you can invest in poker with the least possible chance of going bust.

These guidelines differ depending on a few factors. Things like your level of poker expertise, your bankroll level, your disposable income, and even the reason why you play poker all affect what levels you should be playing. So quickly, while you are still being honest with yourself, take a moment to answer a few questions.

1) If you have been keeping honest financial records for over a year, is your yearly bottom line positive or negative? Then take this a step further and do a little math. Add up all your buy-ins and then divide the total by how many sessions you've played. For example, if my total buy-ins over 100 sessions is $25,000, then I divide $25,000 by 100 sessions to get an average buy-in of $250.

If your yearly bottom line is less than ten times your average buy-in, either positive or negative, then for our purposes you are a break-even player. In our example with an average buy-in of $250 this means you ended your year anywhere from $2500 down to $2500 ahead.

If your yearly bottom line is closer to fifty times your average buy in than it is to ten times, then you are a winning or losing player. In our example with an average buy-in of $250, this means you ended your year closer to $12,500 up or down than you were to $2500 up or down.

If your yearly bottom line exceeds fifty times your average buy in by a lot, I sincerely hope that it is positive or you are wealthy. But for now, go ahead and place yourself as a winning or losing player.

2) Now, try to objectively judge your ability. Remember doing this will not brand the word "Donk" on your forehead. Nobody will ever know what is in your mind, so please try to be honest. Then, after you have labeled yourself as either Expert, Average, or Donk, get a few second opinions. Ask a few of your fellow players what they think of your ability. Try not to ask after you just sucked out with a 26 off against rockets, but do try to form a fairly objective opinion of your current ability.

3) Go over your finances carefully. Do you have money in savings or are you in debt? Are all your credit cards maxed out or all paid in full? After you pay all your monthly bills, do you have money left over or are you constantly wondering how you are going to make ends meet? Do you have a steady income from sources outside of poker or are you otherwise unemployed?

The truth is, most of us fall somewhere between these extremes. If, after going over your finances, you find that you can comfortably say you have some money left over for the year, call that your bankroll. If you have been honest in going over your finances, your bankroll will be the amount of money you can play with for the year.

Note - If you are a professional who plays for a living with no other source of income then that is a special case and, unless you are starting off in debt, you should skip this step.

4) Now complete this line "I play poker because ..." If your answer is "to make money", then your total bottom line had better come out positive. If your answer is "to have some fun" then you should make sure that you are having fun playing. After all, setting goals and then achieving them is one of the things that makes life rewarding. If you are not achieving your goal, then start working on it. Read some of the excellent poker literature, join an online training site, or find a mentor or private teacher to help you work on your game.

You should now have a basic profile of yourself complete. It might say be something like, average break-even player who plays for fun with a $5,000 bankroll, or losing donk who is desperately trying to win enough money to get himself out of debt (hands off - that profile's mine!). The next step is to read all the specific suggestions in the upcoming articles, but pay the most attention to those for your profile.

Get more poker lessons and become poker pro at PokerSpace http://www.pokerspace.com/?u=yage

Discover the poker tutorial to the be a poker star

One of the best ways to learn to play poker is not by watching TV or even through the game. Learn through observation and experience the best teacher is in many cases while solid poker tutorial that explains why and how to play, which will help your game Excel.

If you begin to understand why you use position and how an opponent caught, your game is more naturally come when you are in these situations.Just knowing the skills, only the half Miete.Wissen is when, how and why you use that ability is the ultimate winning strategy.

There are many facets of the game of Poker and many different situations that require a lot of different features to successfully to sein.erhalten extensive knowledge these different skills and how to play poker hand in every situation a specific can help your game and dramatically improve your bankroll. This knowledge of the game is easily obtained via Poker lessons.

While many players are playing the game with the hope to win a pot or Cash-Ing in a poker tournament only every professional poker players will tell you that it is the ability the how to play is that makes real money.Skills can be taught in a competitive game, exactly in poker, however, it is know when what skill in every situation to use is important.

Two of the best ways to gain the skills to a poker star is about poker lessons and applying these lessons in your Spiel.Es is easy to get good poker lessons through books, manuals and live coaching.Although coaching sometimes more expensive, it is by far the most rewarding because a to a questions with your Poker coach can ask.

On the other hand, can multiple various leaders after reading to play bekommen.Auswahl of different styles books or articles on poker, a variety of ways, certain hands and fits into your game will serve the unpredictable to your opponents and also allows you to open your game.

Having a poker star and an excellent winning players to spend time studying some which is many different ways in the game, because in reality poker not only about the maps, it goes up to the Spielern.Nehmen time to learn your new skills on solid Poker lessons and watch your game dramatically improve how you use this poker strategy techniques.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Free poker lesson on why, when and how to make a good call

Whether you just play poker for free or play for the very largest deployments a common theme in poker is that aggressive players, do all the bets and the collection, and all chips!

Make you who call mainly as klassifiziert.Dies is passive, because calling puts you in a decision which hopes the customer.

But there are many reasons to why you want to call, and, as long as you carefully considering it, you can with no shame.

Here is one such hand example from a very high stakes WSOP event (shame on him, if he folds):

BLINDS 60 k / 120 k, ante-15 k


A has 5 h - 5 d, raised to 310 k (under the gun) B KC-10 c, calls from 310 k (from middle position)

A's raise from under the gun means a strong hand, but we should add that A a strong aggressive players (something on the lots page), which can represent each hand.

In addition all creases can A machen.B with his K-10 suited is ideal for the call and it does just that.

With K-10 one should A K-J more cautious when a King can sein.Mit a King or have A K (A-K, particularly from a raise of under the gun).I don't think B aware, perhaps is because he is seen the flop hat.Hier it:

FLOP: 10 d 4 c-2d

Now only one is ten, which is more advantageous for b. those who not flush draws with 2 diamonds have J playing may 10 or 10 9 strong, plus the King kicker is really powerful.

A betting 535 k

Because A under the gun fired, he tries a continuation bet.If it is invoked, it may subsequently add B on a flush draw or a small pair (like 7-7), so he frisk loss can later with not much away.

But B's hand with his pair of tens may want at the end, probably because of cards can be.In addition A was told too aggressive all everywhere, as we and it can be with two face cards or A X, B returns a's fallen:

B increases to 1.61 mA needs call 1075 m

Because A so far (increase under the gun and continuation bets) took a strong hand, he could also consistently out stay. over can think A that raised B because he thought A had nothing and he tries to push A out of the pot with something like K-J or a flush draw o.

As for whether a ten in B's hand, why would a think B had a ten?Even if B fact, would he just call (often) and then check check it entirely, because a couple of tens is not so strong, especially when confronted with a three bet as follows:

Moves A all-3,075 m B must call 2.5 m (pot now over 7.5 m)

Perhaps A moved all-in, using his pair of fives have value on a board just one an overcard and its caller flush draw may have. In this case the caller might still hesitant, because even with a flush draw with two over cards, there is still a draw ist.Aber he might also think that B plays him, so he plays back.

B on the decision that calls for a call is now.

B's are here reasons why he cannot call(what B can think, but that will be my reasons):

(1) A three - bet - plus all-in, can mean J J or later that is very likely if only small cards on the table.Or, even a set, the A have can used to trap with.

(2) Is about 3-in-1, a call (to win at 2.5 million, approximately 7.5 million), but he should call only if he is always 4-to-1 (21% chance of hitting two pair or trips) which is the right price.

(3) When he calls he will have chips six 6 million or so Links.Wenn not calling though he have approximately 8.5 million links, a relatively small loss on a stack of nearly 10 million).

Here now are BS reasons why he should call:

(1) He can knock out an opponent that proved so far very dangerous.

(2) Maybe A is on a flush zeichnen.Oder perhaps a flush draw with two where both of you have almost equal chance to gewinnen.So is on cards in order.

(3) Maybe A put B on a flush draw and decided to push B from the pot rather than letting entstehen.A's all-in is a diamond now only a bluff.

(4) Maybe A set B to a bluff and decided to counter-bluff.

(5) With an overcard not so B should put hand is like a face card in someone's A 5-5, 9 on a Pocket pair kann.In he has a better pair (TENs) this case.

(6) He can lift up to 14 million chips after this.

(7) It is because guts, so says BS.

"With these things in the B's spirit, but still about how BREW tries hard to decide for a long time he stared B his opponents and the Board commented an.Er first can hate me for it," but then adds, as if nothing but instinct prompted him, "but I call."

B gets 2.5 m (pot just over 9 million)

A is now in Schwierigkeiten.B won the hand and knocked out A(who is Antonio Esfandiari! B is Steven companion).

B can the choice between folding and call be neutral, but but from the above when I call, I call the, not only because of the value.

In summary

It takes time to learn how to play poker online or offline at a level above the unthinking, uneducated "chip threw" seen in many tables and one thing that sets apart a good player is know when and how to make a good reputation.

Ironically, the fact that so many players inhabit this stupid Donk zone is great news for you as a player who wants to learn.

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Easily the fastest and easiest way to good poker first game is free to learn poker how to play poker without risk of painful Verlust.Dann step if you feel confident to slowly low stakes and start earning money some right!

Author Nick is Marketing Manager for Free online games Web site NoPayPOKER.com where you indeed learn play without risk for free poker still win real cash. can connecting you up today and get an instant bankroll of site currency FreeD and start practicing sofort.WSOP next!

Texas hold em poker schools with no deposit poker bonus

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A quick and easy Texas-Holdem-Poker lesson for beginners

The great thing about Texas Holdem Poker is that it is easy to learn. Even a newbie can quickly in a winning players to develop. By you a sound strategy and the best starting hands play a Texas Holdem Poker can newbie which dramatically reduced learning curve. So what are the best hands a beginner should play?

Are the best hands for a beginner to play ACE-ACE, King King, Queen - Queen, Jack Jack, Ace-King suited (example - Ace of clubs and King of clubs).

I recommend that you play this starting hands as a beginner.In other words, if a hand than top handled wrinkles become!

Folding is one of the most difficult decisions for a Texas Holdem Poker beginner leveling mentality of most Texas Holdem Poker beginners is, hang around and see the flop hoping to beat the right and a hand to improve.

While a beginner will hit the flop and improve your hand, occasionally, more often than not will it not verpassen.Die Texas-Holdem-Poker beginners player, which starting hands is poor at the end of throw away more money when you win.

If you one best be dealt with raising the pot recommend starting hands wird.zuerst serve two purposes, players with weak hands forces to wrinkles instead, so that you stay in the game and see the free flop.

Secondly, preserved by the increased and see who feels that you have a good hand and who try to hang for the flop see.

If the flop has been dealt, you should look closely to see if your hand improves while if you have upgraded your hand because you out started can with one of the better hands still the best hand re-start applies especially if your starting hand was a few ACEs or Kings.

"If back to increase your opponents can this be a strong signal that you have a strong hand can ask themselves:"What could have my opponent?"""Could you have improved your hand?"

Ask these questions after each round cards dealt and try to "read" your opponents hand.

If you a high pair a raise have can help assess after the flop, whether your opponent feel if you a strong hand or not.

If you think you are beaten there is no shame in folding at this point.

If the turn card is revealed, if you think that you still might have the best hand I would increase the pot so that I could get information about my opponents hands.

I would this same strategy to the River follow map.

To this basic Texas Holdem Poker beginners-group strategy:

unbelievable… to play the best starting hands

fold bad hands

Get the power to increase the knock out weak players and the strength of the opponents hand to evaluate

By this Texas Holdem Poker beginners-track strategy win more hands, than to lose beginnen.starten out to lose more money than you, will win.

Michael Vall is the webmaster of Texas holdem poker | online casino | strategy | tips | reviews-A complete strategy guide and hints for Texas Holdem Poker, online casino and poker room reviews.

Visit my website at http://www.Texas-Holdem-Poker-Page.com and find more great starting hands to play and more great Texas-holdem-poker strategy!